Do I Need Treatment for My Receding Gums?

receding-gumsOne of the most common problems that Dr. Krueger sees in his San Antonio patients is receding gums, a condition of the gums moving up and exposing sensitive parts of the teeth. This allows harmful bacteria to enter the gap between teeth and gums, eventually causing tissue or even bone damage if left untreated. 


When to Seek Treatment:

The first signs of receding gums can mimic other dental problems. You may also notice that your tooth looks longer than before or see a darker colored part of your tooth (the root). Once you recognize these signs, you should go to your periodontist immediately. The sooner you seek treatment, the easier and more painless it will be to resolve. 

Signs of Receding Gums:

  • Sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet food and beverage.
  • Darker part of tooth (root) visible.
  • Loose or missing teeth (advanced stage).

What Are My Treatment Options?

Depending on the cause of your gum recession, treatment is relatively mild when caught early. Most San Antonio patients with receding gums simply brush too hard or grind their teeth when they sleep, problems that are treated painlessly. However, many of Dr. Krueger’s patients undergo gum grafts to prevent further gum recession. This surgical procedure repairs tissue damage and eliminates tooth sensitivity, yet is so gentle that it can be performed with or without sedation.



Mouth guard

Protects teeth from further gum recession caused by grinding teeth.

Switching to soft tooth brush, less aggressive brushing

Prevents gum recession in patients brushing or flossing too hard.

Gum graft

All bacteria removed from tooth, sensitive part of tooth covered with new tissue to prevent additional recession and beautify your smile.

Recovering From Receding Gums:

For San Antonio patients in the early stages of gum recession, a mouth guard or different brushing techniques will prevent the recession from getting worse and avoid surgical procedures. If you require a gum graft, recovery will take a few days and your mouth will fully heal in one to two weeks.

Remember that the best way to prevent gum recession from recurring is to follow good oral hygiene practices and go for routine check-ups.

To decide on a treatment plan for your receding gums, contact KRK Implant Center at 210.826.3946 or fill out our contact form.