Early Stages of Gum Disease

gum disease san antonioOver half of American adults suffer from gum disease. Research from the American Academy of Periodontology shows that a large number of adults have moderate or severe periodontitis, which is a form of gum disease. Without proper treatment, gum disease can lead to loss of bone structure, tooth loss, and unstable teeth. Essentially, having gum disease can ruin your smile, which is not good news. However, there are ways to protect yourself from the disease.


Firstly, it’s important to know what the disease is and how it can affect you. Gum disease is commonly defined as an infection of bacteria involving your gums, tissues around your teeth, and the structures of your teeth. It is the chronic inflammation of your gums and teeth and can spread the longer you have it. It can affect you by causing bad breath, bleeding or swollen gums, bone structure loss, and make your teeth loose or fall out. The disease is sometimes called gingivitis or periodontal disease, which are various forms of gum disease.


When it comes to this type of infection, the best way to help prevent it is to identify it early. Certain symptoms appear in the early stages of the disease. At San Antonio, KRK Implant Center has come up with a list of signs to look out for:

  • Bad breath or taste
  • Swollen or bleeding gums (red in color)
  • Painful to chew or eat food
  • Sensitivity in your teeth
  • Teeth that feel loose

These are all red flags that you may have a form of gum disease. Although some of these can seem mild or less severe, they are warning signs that you may have an infection. Some people might not pay attention to have bad breath or slight bleeding in their gums, but it is a very serious problem. The reason that this is important is because catching the disease in its earliest stages is a lot easier to treat than trying to fix the problem later on. In San Antonio, periodontist Dr. Krueger can examine your teeth and identify if any symptoms you may be showing are putting you at risk for gum disease. Some people may feel that they can diagnose themselves, but the only way to know for sure is to see a periodontist and get confirmation.


Periodontists are specially trained when it comes to gum disease. The primary difference between a general dentist and a periodontist is that specialists like Dr. Krueger have received advanced training and education in preventing and treating gum disease. Because of his experience with San Antonio patients, Dr. Krueger can easily identify whether or not you have the disease, are at risk for the disease, or help you stay on track to avoid getting gum disease. Remember, it’s important not to ignore warning signs and to keep your dental health in check. It’s always better to catch something early than to wait for the condition to get worse.

If you want to get a check up for gum disease, contact KRK Implant Center at 210.826.3946. Dr. Krueger will help assist you with any questions you may have and can help schedule an appointment today.