Can All-on-4 or All-on-6 Restore My Smile?

All-on-4_SanAntonio_BlondesCountless San Antonio patients struggle with how to restore their winning smiles. One of the newer and most successful developments in full dental implants is All-on-4. This procedure uses four implants to replace your upper or lower set of teeth.

While All-on-4 has gained rapid popularity, the procedure is not intended for all patients. Some people require six dental implants known as All-on-6 for a secure and comfortable fit.

Once attached, both All-on-4 and All-on-6 act just like your natural teeth. You can brush and floss normally as well as enjoy your favorite foods without any problems.

Am I a Good Candidate for All-on-4 or All-On-6?

All-on-4 and All-on-6 are procedures designed for patients who want to replace their entire upper, lower, or both sets of teeth with dental implants. Depending on factors including your dental anatomy and bone density, Dr. Krueger will suggest the treatment that is right for you.

These procedures are ideal if you have one or more of these problems:

  • Extensive tooth decay or damage.
  • Several missing teeth or scheduled removals.
  • Uncomfortable dentures.

To find out which treatment is right for you, your dentist or periodontist will perform a comprehensive oral exam and imaging to determine how many dental implants are required to support your new teeth.  

All-on-4 vs. All-on-6

When choosing the right option to get your smile back, it is important to consider the good and bad for all options. The results for All-on-4 and All-on-6 have been overwhelmingly positive, but there are still some things to keep in mind before choosing the treatment that’s right for you:


  • Dental arch rests on four dental implants.
  • Can be more cost effective in certain situations


  • Dental arch rests on six dental implants.
  • More predictable long-term outcome for patients whose bone is thinner.
  • Allows for more restorative options (dentures that clip in (snap in dentures), teeth that sit in the implants and don’t always come out)

* Bone grafting may be involved in either option.

Success rates are high and many of the drawbacks can be avoided by finding an All-on-4 and All-on-6 expert in your area. Some implant specialists are simply inexperienced with the procedure and reluctant to try an unfamiliar technique on patients.

What Happens During the Procedure?

On the day of the procedure, patients usually decide to have sedation for more comfort. After the area is numbed and you have been sedated Dr. Krueger will:

  • Position and surgically secure four or six dental implants to your upper or lower jaw.
  • Attach a strong set of temporary teeth to the implants.
  • Follow up exam after two weeks to determine if you are healing well.
  • Replace temporary teeth with permanent ones after 3-4 months.

While recovering, you will have follow-up appointments to check on your healing. Once your new smile is in place, routine check-ups will keep your new teeth healthy and strong.

To schedule a consultation and find out whether All-on-4 or All-on-6 is right for your, call our offices at (210) 826-3946.