Treatment for Receding Gums

Patients can improve the appearance of their gums with KRK Implant Center’s gum-grafting techniques. Our treatment for receding gums corrects defects, repairing the gums to create a more attractive smile.


Whether you are concerned about the health or future of your teeth, unhappy with how your teeth look or are experiencing pain or sensitivity when eating or drinking, Doctor Krueger and his staff can resolve these concerns, provide greater comfort, and give you more confidence during day-to-day social interactions.


Understanding Receding Gums

Receding gums may have a variety of causes:

  • Disease: A buildup of tartar or periodontal disease can destroy gum tissue.
  • Damage: Anything that affects your enamel can also cause problems for your gums. This includes brushing your teeth too aggressively, grinding your teeth, or using tobacco products.
  • Genetics: Some patients with receding gums are more susceptible to disease because of heredity. You may be predisposed to have gum problems, or your genetics may cause hormonal fluctuations that make your gums more vulnerable at certain times in your life.

There are some obvious signs of receding gums. You may notice that your tooth roots are exposed and certain teeth look longer than they should. Or, you may have greater sensitivity to cold, hot, and sweet foods. Loose or missing teeth are later-stage signs.


Why Receding Gums Patients Seek Treatment

Patients typically visit KRK Implant Center because they want to stop the progression of serious gum disease, decrease the sensitivity they feel while eating or drinking certain foods, and improve the appearance of their teeth.


Begin with an initial consultation at our office. Doctor Krueger will perform an examination and identify the cause of the recession. He will also recommend a course of treatment.


The typical approach is a gum graft that repairs the defect, protects the teeth, and prevents additional recession and bone loss. In most cases, the graft will cover the exposed roots to stop further recession, improving the health and appearance of your smile. This treatment causes minimal post-operative discomfort or disruption to one’s daily routine.


Your Experience with KRK Implant Center

After your initial consultation, Doctor Krueger will present a plan for your treatment. There are two common approaches to gum-grafting procedures:

  • Doctor Krueger can graft tissue sourced from you. This offers the most predictable outcome.
  • He can utilize tissue from a tissue bank. The advantage is that only one area of your mouth will need to heal after the procedure rather than both the graft site and the donor site. This is also a good approach if he is treating many teeth in a single procedure.

During your surgery, Doctor Krueger will use a local anesthetic so you don’t feel any pain. Grafting of receding gums is very gentle, so most patients can choose whether or not to have some sort of relaxing sedation.


After your procedure:

  • If you have one or two grafts, expect minimal discomfort during your recovery.
  • Patients who have many grafts at one time may have more significant swelling and tenderness.
  • Doctor Krueger advises patients to avoid chewing and brushing of the surgical site, and to instead use a medicated mouth rinse, which he will prescribe, to keep it clean.

Two to three weeks after surgery for receding gums, patients return to our office so we can insure they are healing properly.


Learn more about how KRK Implant Center can restore your smile and comfort. Contact us at 210.826.3946 or online at